saamxvr wrote:
Thanks you both , let me explain:
Yes i do write script its working perfect, example : privet torrent porn file has two type of method how it originally uploaded from they bot . one is just mp4 file and file name , another methos is zip with small part of file , like 48MB with 30 parts , so i write script will effect only with ziped file, so scrtip do unzip only ziped but there no way to move unziped file which is download from torrent trakker it mean i lost some file becoz i cant direct point watch folder to finished download , if i point finished folder , poster take file name and will make unfinished post before extract done . so adding feature of watch folder time delay this issue will be solved, only delay of scan in side folder . hope it easy impalement on this case .. hope you guys understand
Why would you unzip to the same folder as where the zip/rar files are. I guess TC also watches that folder, then it detects the video file and since the video file is "busy" by unzipping TC starts processing the rar/zip files.
Have you read what we said about rarzombie? thats exactly what I do. I setup rarzombie to extract to TC WATCH FOLDER.
I setup qbittorrent to download to \TEMP TORRENT DOWNLOADS\ <- ALL temp downloads go here
I setup qbittorrent RSS Rules to download to \RSS DOWNLOADS\ <- ALL temp downloads that were grabbed from RSS are moved here, by qbittorrent, after download is finished.
I setup rarzombie to monitor \RSS DOWNLOADS\ and rarzombie unrars all releases qbittorrent moves here.
I setup rarzombie to unrar to \TC WATCH FOLDER\ and TC then processes the file when rarzombie "release" the file, when unraring is finished.